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A dialogue among professionals
High-performance athletes have known for a long time: Coaching can strengthen people and successfully support them in order to achieve their goals. The effectiveness of coaching is to identify and activate the potential for solving individual problems in each individual.
Erfahrung Deutschland offers companies, executives, experts and people who are actively interested in their development with tailor-made solutions for situational and strategic challenges in the professional and personal sphere:
carrier coaching: Where am I and where do I want to go?
vision coaching: How will my dreams become reality?
decision coaching: What is my goal?
Your personal coach of Erfahrung Deutschland will help you discreetly and in a relaxed atmosphere to find and realize new action alternatives and solutions. Together, we will examine behavior and action in order to understand the path of thinking and blockades and change them sustainably in such a way that you can successfully achieve your goals.
Coaching is always a dialogue among professionals. You are trained in your field and the coach is an expert for process support and design through emphatic conversation and method tools.
There are many people in the coaching sector - it is necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff! Erfahrung Deutschland does not make any compromises here and sets the highest standards regarding training and experience: The coaches who work for us have at least 15 years of professional experience and have successfully completed their training as a Certified Systemic Business Coach at Wismar University of Applied Sciences.