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Personal marketing and employer branding
The supply of skilled specialists and executives is becoming increasingly scarce due to the demographic change.
Germany moves from an employer's market to an applicant market: companies do not choose qualified candidates anymore, instead candidates choose qualified companies.
Erfahrung Deutschland (ED) advises you in the areas of personal marketing and employer branding, to attract and retain the best minds in your company.
Within the framework of Employer Branding, we support you in branding your company in order to secure current and future specialists and executives. With you and your employees, we develop a brand that is based on the values of your organization and will guide all the processes and structures of your company as well as internal and external communication. Our goal is to make your employees brand ambassadors.
What applies to the talent market, also applies to the product market: unmistakable products are easier to sell.
The most important tool in the competition for qualified specialists and executives is an attractive employer brand. This must be clearly visible in economically challenging times.